Dear Palm User,

We are upgrading several network systems involved in delivering wireless Palm.Net service that will affect usage with your Palm VII handheld. The service upgrade will be made on June 15, 2002 and will severely limit the wireless capabilities of your VII handheld.
The purpose of this letter is to provide two options that need your immediate involvement:
- Change a minor setting in your Palm VII handheld:
- Simply tap the Prefs icon within the main Palm Applications window
- Select Web Clipping from the pull-down menu on the upper right of the screen
- Change the Server setting to:
- Upgrade your VII to a new i705 handheld:
- To get an overview of the enhancements we have made to Palm.Net wireless service with the i705, visit Palmi705
- In order to help you with the cost of upgrading your hardware, we will assist you with a $100 discount in the form of an activation rebate. Plus we’ll include a free mini-keyboard.
*Order from or call 800-881-7256. The rebate is delivered within five days of activating your new i705.
We recognize your long-time loyalty and hope you’ll take the time to make the brief setting change or upgrade to a new i705. We sincerely apologize for this inconvenience and hope you’ll select one of the above choices to continue to get the best from your VII handheld.
Wirelessly yours,
David Westendorf
Director of Wireless Service Marketing